Step 1

Special Instructions: During checkout, in the cart section, please add the estimated date of your arrival to Bimini in the 'Order Special Instructions' box. This helps us ensure your merchandise is ready when you are!

Step 2

Set Pick-Up Location: When proceeding to checkout, it might show that there are no available pick-up locations due to the lack of postal codes in the Bahamas. To fix this:

  • Click “Change My Location.”
  • In the Country/Region section, select “Bahamas.”
  • For the postal code, enter “BHS” and select the Bahamas Humane Society Thrift Shop. This step will automatically set your pick-up location to Fisherman’s Village.

Step 3

Pick Up Your Merch: Once you arrive at Bimini, head over to Fisherman’s Village at the marina check-in. Your merch will be ready and waiting for you!